a sister...
Being a sister is a very though job. Especially if you're the younger sister.. BUT.. That isn't as though a job as being the ONLY and YOUNGEST sister, to an ELDER BROTHER. Here's a list of things you need to endure if you're thinking of being a younger sister, with an older brother:-
- Ninja fights (which he always wins... he's twice my size AND weight)
- Pranks (which he LOVES...)
- Pillow fights (Oooh.. my favourite.. I get to hit him... FOR ONCE... But I still lose in the end.)
- Blames (Me:'Mommy!! He's trying to flatten me!!' Brother:' Oh.. sure.. Look who's talking.. Mommy: You! Get off your brother.. Me: I'm not even ON him. -.-)
- Help with projects? (My brother took my plant? For his own project.. which he did not (obviously enough) do.)
- Life.. (yea, pretty much.. It's a tough job alright!)
Well, you must be wondering why I write this post.. That's because... My sweet brother scared the daylights out of me one day.. (well, it wasn't exatly day.. but owh well)
We had just finished our meal and were walking along this dark lane.. (we previously also walked on that dark lane to reach the mealplace and I had seen a freakishly dead rat.. which I was sure not to step on) Well, my brother and I were having an intelectual discussion when suddenly in a grim voice he said.. 'You stepped on the dead rat'... I freaked out.. I squiled on the top of my lungs and jumped.. and ewed.. and jumped.. -.- My beloved brother.. Laughed his lungs off.. People must have thought I was crazy... But who wouldn't react the same way I did in this scenario? Ahh.. I love this world... Anyways.. When we got to the car and I calmed down a little, I asked my brother, very seriously.. if I really did step on that already dead rat... (I didn't want to know if I had killed it further) He said no.. -.- all that for nothing... Thank you very much..
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