Can't believe Christmas is so soon.. Then the new year.. Then I go back to school... And hide in one of those many piles of books.. It's a repeat of the last two years.. With an added new syllabus.. All these in one year.. Will I ever survive? Haha.. I hope so.. Can't wait for next year's Christmas celebrations.. Even more so for this year's 'jingling bells' :). The plan this year is to spend Christmas in Singapore/Poreland (like Way Hinn calls it) with my cousins and aunties.. All of whom I do not see very often :) maybe once a year? Well, this year is BIG because it's one of the rarer occasions where we spend time together.. :D I'm so excited!! Hehe.. Bloggie, I know you've been lonely for a while now.. I cannot even come to tell you how sorry I am for not typing into you lately.. It's just that these holidays have been hectic.. (kind of.. C'mon! It's a HOLIDAY for a reason right?) I wake at an average 7am everyday (except weekends) and go for yoga class.. Which I must say.. Is very very relaxing. :) then I play my games for 5 or so hours and then sit down for a break.. And then I wonder... What am doing la? cause I have this schedule planned out for the holiday which I must tell you.. Looks very very impressive.. Unfortunately I have not gone through one day according to planned (following my schedule). So being a very patriotic Malaysian, I tell myself.. No need to worry wan, I'll follow the schedule tomorrow.. I feel proud and smart for thinking that way afterwards because it's 'very logical and does make sense' to only do it at a later time.. So it's been.. A month now that I've been telling myself the same thing.. Over and over again.. In totally honesty, I do not want this holiday to end.. I've even gone to the extend of fantasizing my school building on fire caused by the really, really, very extremely HOT sun...(Seriously.. My schoolmates have two color toned legs as proof to my claims) anyways.. Next year is the year which along with my formmates we will sit for one of those big compulsory exams-which-will-be-non-existent-in-another-4-years.. Okay.. I have no mood to talk on this subject any longer.. Because I'm angry that they wouldn't abolish it sooner :F to end my comeback post, I'm going to sum up most of the things that happened this month which I probably did not mention.. So this month.. Schoolendedfortheyearitwasawesomeyay!iwentrollerbladingwithmyclassandhadaball!ilostmyhomeworkwhichisduefornextyearbutThankGodnishastillhashers.Ilostmybooklisttwicebutmanagedtogetmostofmybooksanyways.. :) i'msupermissingallmyfriendsbutiwouldnthaveitanyotherwaybecauseifwedontmisswontknowhowtocherish.iwentkaroekeingwithfriendsandhadtopayalmostthesamepriceasgoldtogetin.iowekimT.somemoney..iowenishaG.somemoney..:( iwannastopowingnishamoneybutshejustwontacceptanyreturn..:'(ifeellikeiwannacry.VannawenttoU-ropeandhadtonsoffunandboughttonsofchocolate.HaoYicelebratedLucas'sandEthan'sbirthday,yaythem!joshuahowantstodrinkmilkanditoldhimtogethisowncowabdmilkitbutsomehowhemisunderstoodmeandthinksimacow.. Okaythatsallfornowiguess!:) thanksforreading!
How To Find Reliable Deck Builders
6 years ago
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